
How to create a signature in Roundcube Webmail

July 6th, 2011

1. Log in to your webmail
2. Select Roundcube webmail application
3. Click on the Personal Settings on the Right Top Panel
4. Select on Identities Tab.
5. Double Click on the Display name.
6. Click on the HTML editor to enter your HTML signature
7. Click Save after you are done.
8. Go to Preference tab and check on the box for Compose HTML message.
9. Click Save and Done.

How can i change Webmail Password?

August 9th, 2010

There are 2 ways to change / reset webmail password.

1. If you are the administrator of the hosting account, you can log on to the cpanel and then click Email Accounts to change the webmail password.

2. If you are just a user of webmail, you can change the password by logging on to your webmail and then clicking the option Change Password.

Getting the Sent folder in your Outlook sync with the Sent folder on Webmail

March 2nd, 2010

If you are like me who downloads his email to either Outlook Express or MS Outlook and when using webmail on a different computer you are sometimes at a loss as you do not have any emails in your sent folder and even other folders which you might have created on Outlook then i have a simple solution for you.

This a common issue and a very simple one to solve, to get your sent folder in Outlook in sync with your sent folder on Webmail you need to setup your email account on Outlook as IMAP and not as POP3, the rest of the setting would remain the same. Only IMAP has the ability to sync other folders apart from just Inbox.

How to Change Time Zone Display in Round Cube Webmail

December 30th, 2009

We provide 3 different webmail software’s for you to check mail via web-mail and use the one you are most comfortable with. In this article we will show you how to change the time zone for Round Cube mail system. Customizing time zone settings help you to know the correct time when you receive and send emails.

1. Log on to your webmail (www.example.com/webmail)
2. Click on Round Cube Mail
3. From top right menu, click Personal Settings
4. Select Time Zone

Related Article:
1. How to Change Email Time Display in Squirrel Mail?