Getting the Sent folder in your Outlook sync with the Sent folder on Webmail

March 2nd, 2010

If you are like me who downloads his email to either Outlook Express or MS Outlook and when using webmail on a different computer you are sometimes at a loss as you do not have any emails in your sent folder and even other folders which you might have created on Outlook then i have a simple solution for you.

This a common issue and a very simple one to solve, to get your sent folder in Outlook in sync with your sent folder on Webmail you need to setup your email account on Outlook as IMAP and not as POP3, the rest of the setting would remain the same. Only IMAP has the ability to sync other folders apart from just Inbox.

How to check your POP3 emails using Gmail

November 7th, 2009

There are times when you would want to access your website email via Gmail. There are 2 ways to go about this.

1. Simply forward your emails to your gmail, hotmail, yahoo etc.
2. Let Gmail access your POP3 email so that you can send email via Gmail and your customers see it has sent by your company email id and not your personal Gmail address.

If you are looking for the 2nd option, please follow the procedure below

1. Login to your Gmail account.
2. Click on Settings.
3. Click on Accounts and Import.
4. Click on Add POP3 email account.

Add POP3 email account

5. Enter your email address and click Next Step.

Email address in Gmail

6. Enter email details.

Configure Email Settings


1. Your username will be you FULL email address.
2. Your POP3 server address will be mail.yourdomain.com. Replace yourdomain with your actual domain name.
3. Port should be 110 and should not be changed.
4. If you want to leave copy of the email on the server, make sure you check mark the box.
5. Do NOT check mark SSL box.

Press Add Account and your should be able to download your email to gmail.

How to Configure Outlook Express for POP3 Email

September 1st, 2009

To modify or add an email to your existing Outlook or Outlook Express account, please follow the instructions below.

1. Open Outlook or Outlook Express.
2. Go to the Tools Menu, and then to Accounts.

Outlook Express Mail

3. On the Internet Accounts window, select the mail account you wish to modify and click Properties to edit the settings for your email account.

Mail Accounts

4. On the Internet Accounts window, select the mail account that you want to edit and click Properties to edit the email settings.

5. On the Properties page that appears, choose the Servers tab. Enter your applicable mail.domain.com in the Incoming mail (POP3) field and smtp.domain.com in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) field.

Please Note: Some versions of Outlook Express have the Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server boxes reversed, so take care to put enter the right settings in the right box! Enter you applicable [email protected] in the Account Name field, and your account password in the Password field. If you would like to have the program save your password, put a check in the “Remember password” field.

6. Check My server requires authentication box and click Settings on the right.

Email Properties

7. Select Use the same settings as my incoming server.

Note: make sure to check Remember password if you don’t want to enter password each time you send out email.

Outgoing Mail Server

8. Click OK.
9. Back on the Properties page, click Apply and OK to save settings and then close all dialog boxes.
10. Click the “Close” button to complete your account setup