Basic Advantages of Linux Server Hosting
September 5th, 2009
When you are going to hire a hosting service to build your website for your small business then you need to know the basic things of web hosting. You are the best person to judge that what required features are and what about your budget.
Commonly, this choice to host your website depends upon the scripting language that is used in your website. If languages like PHP, MySQL, or Perl are used in your website, Linux Web hosting is preferable. But if you are thinking for ASP Dot Net scripting language then your finest choice would the window hosting.
Advantages of Linux hosting:
1. Linux is an open source software product and thus it does not need the high licensing fees that other operating systems do; you can freely download and use it at no cost. Even Mac notebooks of Apple computers uses a modified version of Linux operating system.
2. Linux web hosting is very economical as Linux is a free operating system.
3. When the scripting language like PHP, MySQL, or Perl etc. are required for your website then Linux server hosting is the most reliable and cost effective solution for you.
4. There are many kinds of databases that run on Linux hosting, but the most widespread most likely among web host providers are mSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
5. By lots of server experts Linux hosting is supposed to be much secure than Windows hosting, and for that reason only Linux server hosting is also the more popular choice for web designers and programmers.