
MySQL Database Connection Limits

January 16th, 2010 allows a maximum of 20 simultaneous MySQL connections. This limit is per cPanel account.

The 20 simultaneous database connections should be sufficient. Most database connections open and close within a fraction of a second. Example: A forum with 400 active members will rarely hit this 20 simultaneous connections.

If a website does cross the limit, they will see a Service Temporarily Unavailable page. The SQL server will timeout after 15 to 30 seconds of inactivity.

How to Create a Web Disk from cPanel

January 7th, 2010

WebDisk is much like a FTP program or a web based File Manager which helps you transfer files from your computer to your website disk. If you are already using a FTP, then you do not need to use Web Disk and the same goes for File Manager.

Please check this video tutorial which will show you how to create a WebDisk from your cPanel.

Issues with Windows 7:
This is a reminder that cPanel cannot handle WebDisk on Windows 7. If you are running Windows 7, you’ll need to use a third party webdav software like NetDrive, BitKinex or WebDrive.

I don’t remember my cPanel Password, How can I change it?

December 9th, 2009

If you do not remember your cPanel password you can do the steps below to change the password from your admin section.

1. Login to Speed Host Customer Login (If you do not remember the password, click on forgot password)

2. Click on My Products & Services

3. On the right of your hosting package details will be a small graphic Product Details, Click that.

4. Scroll down and under Login Details, you will see your existing cPanel username and password and an option to change it.

Related Article:
1. How to Change the Password of your cPanel from cPanel

Does cPanel come with a Manual which i can read?

November 3rd, 2009

Yes! Our control panel (cPanel) comes with complete documentation and you can read it using the link below:

Checking your Hosting Stats from cPanel

October 26th, 2009

You can check all your hosting stats, e.g. Disk space used, Monthly bandwidth, Email accounts created, MySQL database used etc. from your cPanel. All you need to do is login to your cPanel and on the left column, you will be able to see all your hosting stats. Login to your domain using the format

Hosting Stats in cPanel