Image Creation Tools to build Awesome Content
April 22nd, 2014
Content is the true king. If you don’t agree then look around, you will find millions of websites loaded with information. Content well written will not really need any sidekick to find its way to the top. But the icing on the cake would be adding good relevant images. Everyone loves images and we tend to look differently (mostly positive) at an article which includes images. So we thought why not share an awesome list of some amazing image creation tools that you could use.
1] Canva: There is very little that you cannot like about Canva. This Graphic Design tool has a drag and drop interface and is very easy to use. You don’t need any prior design experience and once you spend a little time with it, you will find sweet results. Play around with a plethora of design elements to make your perfect image. You can make social media posts, Infographics, Pinterest ready images, Facebook cover photos and much more. Check out one of the recent post we made on our SpeedHost Facebook Page. Oh by the way the tool is free to use and you only need to pay if you choose to use any of their stock images.
2] BeFunky: This is a good graphics program that comes with a complete suite of image editing tools like scaling, filters, text and much more. One worthy feature that deserves a mention here is the ability to crop an image into a Facebook cover photo. You can also save the image to your computer or upload it directly into any of the popular social networking platforms.
3] LiceCap: The closest thing to a video explaining an action has got to be a .GIF. LiceCap is a program that will enable you to easily make GIFs for your website. All you need to do is download the .exe file and install the program, set the dimensions of the screen that you want to record and you can create a .GIF image. Though you can make a .GIF image for a long duration, it is best to keep it down to 6 seconds for a good frame rate.
4] Pixlr: If you ever search for best online image editing tool you will probably find this tool in almost every list. Pixlr combines image design and paint tools with photo editing and adjustment features more convincingly than any other online image editing program. Even though it is feature rich it still maintains its usability and makes it very easy for anyone to use.
Honestly, out of all the tools above, we just love Canva and are a little biased towards it, simply because we have so much fun while making new images. The possibilities are endless and the results are always satisfying.
So what are you waiting for, give your content creation a new life by using these awesome tools. Do leave a comment below about your experience with these tools.