SEO Tips

5 step Formula to build a SEO friendly Blog Post

October 8th, 2014

Writing awesome blog posts day in and day out can be a real challenge. What’s even more difficult is to make every blog post as SEO friendly as possible. Fortunately we have a formula that helps us build SEO friendly blog posts. We’re going to share this 5 step formula with you however it’s a formula you’ll need to build on. Think of it as we helping by pointing you in the right direction but how you make it to the finish line only depends on you. Let’s take a look at the formula.

1] Post Title: Picking a cool title for your blog post is a must these days but keywords are still very important. Your target keyword will allow search engines to find your article and that cannot be avoided. If you can build a title with the keyword in the beginning then it’s going to work wonders to improve your SEO quotient.

2] Keyword: Back in the days, SEO depended on keyword density in your article, more the better. But times have changed and search engines have become clever enough to indentify who’s gaming the system. You now need to focus on original content and if you’re writing around a certain keyword then the whole “How much keywords should I add” issue, will take care by itself.

3] ADD H1 tag to your subtitles: If you’ve noticed, some of the websites that make it to the top of the Search engine rankings will always have H1 tags for their subtitles. Well it doesn’t stop there; one needs to ensure that keywords need to be added to make it really effective. This gives Google spiders that crawl your page, an easier view to indentify the content and place it appropriately in the search ranking results. This takes planning since you need to take your title and the overall content into account while working on this.

4] Images: An image can say a thousand words. If you’re unable to put across a point or trying to make heavy content more readable, then images are going to be a life saver. Though images can add load to your website, optimizing them can reduce that impact. Also if the image alt tag has been correctly set along with a keyword, then you’re giving search engines an easier way to find you. Yes we know images are tough to get but we recommend this awesome online tool called Canva that will help you create awesome images in no time 🙂

5] Content: If you’ve been hearing too much of this then we’re sorry to say it again but ‘Content is King’.  No matter how much of efforts you put in, it all boils down to this. Original and value add content is what makes it to the top of the search engines these days. Your blog post needs to be interesting and at the same time be informative. The latest trend in effective content delivery is ‘Story telling’. If you can put your point across in the form of a story then you have a blockbuster of a blog post that’s bound to get you good traffic. How can you come with great content over and over again? Read, research and ask questions around your field of interest and you will find your topics to write about.

We hope this formula comes handy while creating your SEO friendly blog posts. It’s going to be tough initially but we’re sure, practice will make you an expert 🙂

How to improve your Website’s Search Engine Ranking

August 3rd, 2014

We live in a time when almost every argument will end in “Google it.” Search engines have evolved so much and have become a part of our life. Need to research for an assignment, find cheap airline tickets or even find new places to hangout, search engines have always come to the rescue.

Search engines over the years have become smarter and more efficient in providing you with great websites for information. With improving algorithms and technology, the search engine industry has taken a very positive change. This has ensured that we have access to quality content at the quickest possible time. But not everyone has been too happy with these frequent algorithm updates. Many site owners have been impacted and have seen their search engine ranking go down considerably.

The only way to survive has been to abide by the ever changing rules. Honestly, it’s difficult to go back and make changes to all your previous work but unfortunately that’s the only way about it. Now you can’t really blame the search engines for this. They want to provide the best experience to their users and by coming up with these algorithm updates they are ensuring that they become more efficient at how they deliver good search results.

We understand the plight of all site owners that are affected but it’s time that we make search engines our friend. Let’s not fight the changes but embrace it and use it to benchmark your work and understand if you need to push a little more, to make it to the first page of every search engine.  We want to help you achieve this by providing our two cents on how to get your website ranking up. So let’s begin.

1] Only Quality Content

Avoid writing for the sake of creating more content. Always focus on writing AWESOME quality content which your users will actually want to read. There are big websites out there like Social Sprout and Mashable that churn out tons of research backed content and in return they are always rewarded with good traffic. The content is also so good that people will want to share it thus creating a very positive ripple effect. Search engines are taking quality content very seriously and they are always looking for value addition that your content can bring to its end users. Does your content bring value add to your visitors? If not, then it’s time to re-evaluate your content strategy.

2] Inbound Links:

This one aspect is very critical in improving search engine ranking. Google assigns a domain authority score to every indexed website. This score can be improved by the number of websites that link back to yours. Basically, link backs will notify search engines that your website is a resource to them. So more the number of link backs better your domain authority score will get and better domain authority score will only mean better search engine rankings for your website. But we also need to understand that quality is always better than quantity. A website with a high domain authority linking back to your website will always be better than 100 websites with a low or moderate domain authority score. So a link back from a Mashable or a Social Sprout is definitely going to drive your search engine ranking upwards.

3] Be Social: Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc have given everyone another medium to reach thousands and sometimes even millions. It is become a crucial tool for businesses to create awareness of their products. Your content will get shared if the shareable quotient is really high. Again the point no. 1 of writing quality content comes to play here. If your content has got value for your readers then the chances of it getting shared multiples 10x, this means more people are going to see your work. If your work is exceptional, then get ready to see it go viral. This only means that you are going to see a lot more traffic moving to your website. Search engines also do evaluate the social quotient of a website to rate it higher in rankings. So going social with your work is definitely a good idea.

These points will help you get started in your venture to improve your website. Honestly we have only scratched the surface here and there’s a lot more that you will learn and need to apply to ensure that your website keeps moving higher. Think of it as your first trek, where you have the equipment but you never know what difficulties you may face. But getting out of it will mean that you have learnt something new and this will make you better for your next trek 🙂

So what do you think about these points. Do drop a comment below if you have any tips and tricks to share.

How to keep your blog visitors Engaged

June 13th, 2014

Worked hard on your blog but still can’t find anyone sticking around to read your blog. You probably might be hit by High Bounce rates. It’s not a virus to be scared off but it just means that a large percentage of your visitors fail to engage with more than one page on your blog.

Now, realistically speaking, people are always going to leave your site but how much is too bad? Log in to your Google Analytics dashboard and if you see a bounce rate higher than 60% of your visitors then you are in the red zone. You’re going to need to put some work in to get that bounce rate down. There are a lot of reasons that can contribute to the problem but we are here to help you with the solutions, so let’s begin.

1] Use more multimedia: However good your content maybe, plain text is passé and way too boring. The latest trend is to express your text with more images or maybe even a GIF or a video. This way you are improving the delivery of your content and not boring your visitors away. Experimenting with various forms of media will help you understand which one works better with your visitors and help you determine which one to use again. You could probably try out these images creation tools to help you build some Awesome content.

2] Make content more readable: What happens when you reach a page that has extremely small font size and you find it difficult to read the content? You’re really going to get frustrated and probably exit the page faster than you got there. There are many more factors that contribute to the readability so keep it simple and follow these steps:

  • Keep paragraphs small so that they only have around 5 sentences each.
  • Add bullets whenever possible.
  • Bold keywords to grab attention.
  • Use subheadings to break content into sections and ease of reading.

You must also read: Common mistakes you should avoid on your website

3] Add internal links: One simple way to get your blog visitors to stick a little longer is to have them move more around your blog. Add internal links to other related blog posts/pages throughout your blog. It not only helps your readers find more information they like but also help improve your SEO value.

4] Add Related Posts Section in your blog posts: Just like the above point a related posts section will give your visitors more related content to digest. This gives them an opportunity to discover more pages on your blog and in the bargain improving your bounce rate. You could share related posts below the blog post with headings like “You must also read” or “You may also like” to also help your visitors find related content. If you’re on wordpress you’ll find a lot of plugins available to automatically do this for you but you could also try manually adding this to your blog for more effective targeting of related posts.


Some of these points may seem way too obvious but believe us when we say, there are way too many blogs online that make the most trivial mistakes and lose out on precious traffic.

Give these solutions a shot, they should definitely help you improve your sites performance but for better results its best suggested that you take a closer look at your site’s analytics data to determine better targeting of issues. Don’t hesitate from experimentation as even the best have failed but found success eventually 😉

How to make Images more Search Engine Friendly

February 20th, 2014

Napoleon Bonaparte once said “A picture is worth a thousand words”. We think he is right in saying this because you can keep writing to express something but an image can convey the same message in just a second.

We all know how important images are with respect to web design but off late it has been doing wonders for content development. You can relate a large column of text to an image making it easy to digest complex reading. But did you know that you can now generate a large amount of traffic to your website using your images? Here’s how you can do this:

1] Add ALT Text: Search engine spiders that crawl your website, can understand the text that you have displayed but it cannot understand the image. Say for example you have a picture of a shoe, the search engines cannot understand what the image is about. That’s where ALT TEXT steps in. For the above example itself you can use an alt text like “this is a cool shoe” and to represent it with the image simply add alt=”this is a cool shoe” to the image tag.

<img src=”cool-shoes.jpg” alt=”This is a cool shoe” />

2] Image Name: Choosing a descriptive image name, over a generic one can do wonders for your search engine rankings. This also includes keywords thus helping a user find what he is looking for through an image search engine. For example Branded_Cool_Shoes.jpg will sound and work much better than DSC0906540.jpg

3] Go on a Diet: Images are great but only downside is that it contributes to the page load speed. Larger the image size slower your website will load. There are many online image editing programs that will help you to cut down heavily on the file size with very little loss in picture quality. Dynamic Drive’s Image Optimizer Tool is one of the tools that can be used for the same purpose.

4] Geo Locations: Search engines are ranking pages higher depending from where the search is made and the local keywords. The same logic applies to images as well. For example, if you are displaying an image of the TajMahal, then it makes more sense to name the image as India_TajMahal or Agra_India_TajMahal to give it more preference for a local search. You can also do the same for the ALT Text and add “TajMahal in Agra, India”

Honestly this is one power of SEO you should probably not lose out on. It has great potential of getting good traffic to your website. You might be following a few of the steps above but a combination of all the steps should do wonders for increasing your website rankings.

Do share any other best practices that you follow with your images. Let’s together make images more search friendly 🙂

Tools to check if you are Plagiarizing Content

January 30th, 2014


Good quality content is very difficult to generate. There is already so much information about each subject on the internet that it becomes difficult to create unique content. Some take the wrong route by copying content from other peoples work and try to make it their own. Google calls this a plague which they want to eradicate completely. They have started this campaign by penalizing such offenders and dropping them to the bottom of the search rankings.

But sometimes people can have similar ideas and there might be a possibility that you will unintentionally end up churning content which will be considered plagiarized by Google. To help ensure that you do not get penalized for no fault of yours we looked up some tools that you can use to verify your content for plagiarism.

DupliChecker: This is a free tool that can be used to check a maximum of 1500 words at one go. It compares the text with the pages on the internet to find similar content. If there is any major similarity then it will share the links of that page for you to compare. There is a limit for the number of times you can use this tool in a day but a quick sign up on their website will allow you to use it as many times as you want.

Plagiarisma: This tool can be used to check large columns of words for plagiarism. You would need to sign up to check the content against all pages in Google. You can only use it for a limited number of times in the day but if you need to verify more content then you would need to buy a paid membership with them. Hence use this tool wisely. You can also download browser extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to use this tool.

Plagiarism Checker [from Small Seo Tools]: This is one of the simplest Plagiarism tools that you can get over the internet. Simply add text up to 3000 words and hit the button “Check for Plagiarism”. It will quickly check for documents over the internet and show you the text which has been plagiarized along with the link to the document where it was first written. It also gives you a percentage of unique content from the text that you have entered for checking. The best part about this tool is that it is free and you also don’t need to sign up to use the tool.

Well there are many other tools similar to the ones mentioned above, but we feel these are all you need to get your work done. It is advisable to check your content before you make the post to avoid any penalties from Search Engines. By the way this article is also checked by Plagiarism Checker and we are proud to say it is 100% unique content 😉

Do share with us any other free tools to check for plagiarism that should have been mentioned here.