Domain Name

Fake Email and SMS for domain renewals

March 14th, 2012

Some of our customers have received emails / sms telling them that their domain is about to expire and that they need to renew it for $75. Please note that these emails and / sms are from fraud companies. Please check the email address from where it is coming, if it is originating from then we have not sent it. Also, we do not use sms to send renewal reminders as of now. We alway mention our pricing in Rupees and never in Dollars.

If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support.

Domain Registry Price Hike

December 22nd, 2011

As you may already know, the .COM, .NET and .BIZ Registry Price Hikes are right around the corner.

The prices for new Registration, Renewal and Transfer-In pricing for .COM, .NET and .BIZ Domain names will be updated on January 1st 2012.

Current pricing is Rs.450/year. New Pricing would be Rs.499/year

You can easily save 10% in domain cost if you purchase / renew or transfer before Jan 1st 2012

Modifying contact details for domain whois

August 31st, 2011

If you would like to update / modify your domain name contact details, please follow the steps below

1. Login to your domain advance control panel
2. Click on Domain >> List all Orders
3. Then click on the domain you would like to edit contact details for.
4. Click Contact Deltails

From here, you can either use another contact or edit existing contact. You can individually do this for all your domains or you can change the details for all of them at once.

Related Articles.

1. How to enable privacy for your domain.

Prices of .in Renewals and Transfer Dropped!

March 14th, 2011

The prices of .in domain name has been dropped to Rs.450 for both renewals and transfers. You can still buy a brand new .in domain for just Rs.150 for the first year (a whopping discount of Rs.300). This offer will end 31st March 2011.

Now Selling .co Domain Names

March 4th, 2011

We have started selling .co domain names at a very competitive price of Rs.1400 / year. The best past about the .co domain name is that you will still be able to find that perfect domain name which you cannot get in the other TLD’s. Click here to register your domain.